Ergo Proxy Wiki
Proxy One
Purakushī wan
Aliases Creator
Age Thousands of years old
Race Proxy
Relations Ergo Proxy
Japanese Hōchū Ōtsuka
English Dameon Clarke
Anime Bind (Bilbul) (was mentioned in Nightmare Quiz Show (Who Wants to Be in Jeopardy!))

The main antagonist of the series, he is also Proxy One, and calls Vincent his shadow. He was first alluded in episode 15 and is the one behind the events of the entire series, having begot Vincent and then sent him back to Romdeau to start his plan. Near the end of the series, Proxy One is revealed to be the one who fired the thermonuclear missile Rapture, destroyed Amnesia to hide Vincent's memories and killed Donov Mayer. He is killed by a combination of Vincent's attacks and sunlight.


Thousands of years before the events of the show, Proxy One was the first of the 300 Proxies created by the Creator. Tasked with restoring the Earth's environment, Proxy One built the domed city of Romdeau and ruled over it for a time, revered as not only Romdeau's ultimate authority, but its god. However, his relationship with the citizens would change from that of reverence and love, to fear and rejection, ultimately causing him to lead Romdeau in seclusion.

Sometime afterwards, Proxy One would somehow discover the true conclusion of the Proxy Project and the predestined fate of his race, causing him to fall into a bitter depression and develop both a hatred of humans and a desire to "punish the Creator". Both this desire and his depression were softened by the love of Monad, a fellow Proxy and the ruler of the Mosk Dome. The two Proxies fell in love and Proxy One would leave for Mosk to live with Monad, but not before entrusting Romdeau's governance to Donov Mayer, giving him the role of Regent.

However, Donov wasn't content and believed that Monad had essentially stolen Romdeau's god. In a bid to get Proxy One back, Donov attacked Mosk, striking it twice with Rapture missiles before sending an assault to kidnap Monad so that she may serve as a lure. Proxy One attempted to contain the force of the missiles, but the damage was done and his life was once again ruined. His hatred of humans returned and he separated his despair from himself, creating Vincent Law, otherwise known as Ergo Proxy, sending him to Romdeau in a plan to unravel both Donov's desire for a relationship with his god and punish him for his actions, as well as to sabotage the endgame of the Proxy Project. Proxy One himself would also return to Romdeau to keep it powered until just the right moment. From there, he would lurk in the shadows, manipulating people and orchestrating certain events to get his way.

Proxy One's Revenge[]

By manipulating Raul Creed's emotions, Proxy One caused at least one missile launch, decimating at least one Mosk and possibly other Domed Cities. In his view, humanity had destroyed the planet and then fled, leaving Proxies to resurrect the world and subsequently die off when the clouds parted. Enraged by this planned genocide, Proxy One sought to ruin the Creator's chances of returning to a new world by instigating warfare between Domes. He was mostly unsuccessful, but the effects of the despair felt by other Proxies because of the Pulse of the Awakening would cause the damage he wanted. Though Proxy One was defeated by Vincent Law (Ergo Proxy) and his plans to wipe out humanity failed, Proxy One found some solace in the fact that Vincent would survive, therefore ruining the Creators' attempt to wipe out the Proxies.


Like all other Proxies, Proxy One has a variety of seemingly unnatural abilities. These include:

  • Immortality: Due to his biology, the Amrita Cells inside Proxy One allow him to theoretically live forever as they technically don't allow him to age and grant him the ability of regeneration. The Amrita Cells can only be killed by ultraviolet light or by another Proxy.
  • Shape-Shifting: Proxy One used this ability to appear to Raul Creed as Vincent Law in order to instigate his descent into desperation and volatile insanity. He also uses it to change his looks based on his emotion, shifting from younger, Vincent-like features, to a more mature form and sometimes even a grotesque, almost starved look. As a side-note, it's also possible that when he did walk among people, that his human disguise would be similar or identical to Vincent Law's appearance.
  • Super Speed: Proxy One used this ability while in combat with Ergo Proxy, using it to evade attacks while trying to gain an advantage over his opponent. Even when moving like this, Proxy One is nearly silent and hard to detect. It's also possible that he used it to evade Re-l Mayer and Vincent Law while they investigated the ruins of Mosk.
  • Super Strength: Like most if not all Proxies, Proxy One had immense strength, allowing him to fight Ergo Proxy on equal footing and effortlessly kill Donov Mayer. Interestingly enough though, when attacked by Raul Creed, he didn't destroy a gate that the assailant had used to buy himself time to get away, though it's possible he saw Raul's attempt on his life as inconsequential.
  • Shock Waves: A telekinetic wave of invisible force, Proxy One is seen using this ability in a flashback where he's trying to mitigate the damage of the first two Rapture missiles that hit Mosk, succeeding at first before being seemingly overwhelmed. His efforts were for naught, as while most of the structures were still intact, the damage left Mosk inhabitable. Raul would later hit Mosk with a third Rapture missile in an attempt to kill him, thinking he was Vincent Law.
  • Telepathy: Like many Proxies, Proxy One is able to interfere with a person's mind. He can give a person specific dreams, make them see illusions, communicate with individuals in their mind and interrupt the mind probes of other Proxies as well as suppress or possibly even expel those Proxies from the host's mind.
Disc 4 (XXI - XXIII) 01 00 34

Proxy One


"You wear the mask of a man who would deny his own fate."

-Proxy One to Ergo Proxy, Episode 23 Deus ex Machina

"Why don't we go through this again? Do you really think you lost your memory? Or is it possible that you never had any memories to begin with? Perhaps you convinced yourself that your memories were simply lost. But then you end up right back where you started, isn't that right?"

- Proxy One to Ergo Proxy, Episode 23 Deus ex Machina

"You are Vincent Law. The empty man. The Creator's shadow bound in body and soul. You're a puppet, a phantom. An imposter."


Main Characters Re-L Mayer * Vincent Law * Pino
Humans Raul Creed * Donov Mayer * Daedalus Yumeno * Quinn * Hoody * Timothy * Samantha C. Ros * Mayahuel * Petro Seller * Cage Seal * Commander Patecatl * Lieutenant Omacatl * Leon Apple
AutoReivs Iggy * Kristeva * Dorothy * Mary * Deleuze * Guatarri * The Collective * Amnesia * Al * Pul * Rogi * Inspector Woof * Lieutenant Meow * Dorothy of Garland
Proxies Ergo Proxy * Monad * Proxy One * Kazkis Proxy * Senex Proxy * Cave Proxy * Doppelgänger Proxy * MCQ * Swan * Will B. Good * JJ * Real