Ergo Proxy Wiki
project created by the Gods to recreate humanity on Earth following the planetary catastrophe in which explosions under methane reserves, the source of alternative fuel, led to the decimation of 85% of the world's beings. Although not explicitly detailed, all the Gods created a proxy in all 300 proxies. The mission of the proxies was to create and supervise a dome city in which WombSys (the Matrix) would gradually produce the Neo-human population needed to restore humanity. A brief monologue in episode 11 the next phase of the project is difficult, but it is explicitly said that proxies have the biggest obstacle to awakening, just as it is explicitly stated that following the end of their mission, the Program extermination of proxies known as the first heartbeats of awakening begins, resulting in "changes within (their) being": a sensitivity to the sunlight (under the blue sky) that is fatal to them. The project created by the Gods to recreate humanity on Earth following the planetary catastrophe in which explosions under methane reserves, the source of alternative fuel, led to the decimation of 85% of the world's beings. Although not explicitly detailed, all the Gods created a proxy in all 300 proxies. The mission of the proxies was to create and supervise a dome city in which WombSys (the Matrix) would gradually produce the Neo-human population needed to restore humanity. A brief monologue in episode 11 the next phase of the project is difficult, but it is explicitly said that proxies have the biggest obstacle to awakening, just as it is explicitly stated that following the end of their mission, the Program extermination of proxies known as the first heartbeats of awakening begins, resulting in "changes within (their) being": a sensitivity to the sunlight (under the blue sky) that is fatal to them.